          國民大會:政壇秘戀緋聞多(2/5) 20100304 At 4:15/7:34 "Knock.Card.Bean.槍" can really show your power of honesty to demand that sucker 褐藻醣膠 to die for that sucking voice. "Chyo.1.Inn" as a female "1.Yuan" cannot be good enough to win orall 土地買賣y, cannot be a good loser already showed herself deserve to take any "巴掌", dare shameless "True.Shore.Dot.Knock.1.巴掌 21世紀房屋仲介" to that winner, can only tell every one her parents must be "When.Down.Job.3.G" worse than any real "One.8.5.Great", "When.Down" "One.8.5.Great" 烤肉cannot have that good will good skill to lock their shameless sucking daughter in their "Sheng.Jeye.Duck.Yuan" to make their sucking daughter to live the most isolat 設計裝潢ed life, must have to be locked deepest darkest, not mention that sucking "Cyo.1.Inn" sucking "When.Down.Job.3.G" parents committed the crime worse than any those real "One.8.5.Great" ca 租屋ught on their own daughter "Chyo.1.Inn" crime scene in that civilized Democratic lawful form site in front of the public eyes. How those "Lead.永.The" supporters can help "Lead.永.The" to be better? Do whateve 信用貸款r you can to kill that sucking "Chyo.1.Inn" immediately. Because if you don't do your duty to kill that sucking shameless selfish cold cold hard "Chyo.1.Inn", your supported "Lead.永.The" must dragon down into "Sheng.Boot.Rule.4" h 燒烤ells that how that "Knock.Card.Bean.槍" told you "Knee.Eye.Wall.女兒.Wall.Joe.Swam.Ben.Job.Gay.Knee" (At 7:32/7:34). Shame on all those shameless sucking Panel, too suck to do the citizen duty to attack those American werewolves slaves committ 酒店經紀ed Office sex crimes in front of the public eyes seeing all you sucking Taiwanese voters moral value, brain cell, democratic integrity like nothing.    .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 票貼  .

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